Do lesbians like face sitting?

Do lesbians like face sitting

Historical Context of Face Sitting

The act of face sitting has been deeply embedded in various cultures for centuries, though the context and perception have evolved over time. Face sitting, as a form of intimacy, is not merely about the physical act but also carries with it layers of emotional and societal significance. Why did it become popular, and what historical events influenced its evolution?

In ancient art and scriptures, hints of this intimate practice can be traced back. From the intricate carvings of Khajuraho in India to the sultry passages of Sapphic poetry, face sitting has been both celebrated and taboo.

Let’s take a glimpse into the bygone eras:

Table: Evolution of Face Sitting Through Ages

Time Period Cultural Context Popular Perception
Ancient Greece Celebrated in literature and arts An act of love and deep connection
Medieval Era Restricted due to religious sentiments Taboo and scarcely mentioned
Renaissance Revival in arts but with censorship Artistic expression with boundaries
20th Century Rise in LGBTQ+ movements and sexual freedom Embraced but with reservations

Face sitting, like many intimate acts, has undergone a metamorphosis, shaped by societal norms, religious beliefs, and individual experiences.

Understanding Face Sitting: More than a Position

When we utter the words “face sitting,” it evokes various emotions and images. However, at its core, face sitting is a symphony of trust, vulnerability, and connection. It’s an act that goes beyond mere positioning and delves into the realm of shared pleasure and mutual respect.

One might wonder, why is face sitting so revered, especially among lesbian couples? Is it merely about the pleasure, or is there an emotional tapestry woven into it? Let’s deconstruct this.

  • Physical Connection: It’s undeniable that face sitting offers a unique angle of stimulation. This closeness allows both partners to explore and discover each other’s bodies intimately.
  • Emotional Depth: Being in such a vulnerable position fosters trust. When one partner entrusts their body to another, it creates an emotional bond, a shared secret of sorts.
  • Dominance and Submission: For some, face sitting might tap into the realms of power dynamics. The act can be both empowering and submissive, providing a platform for couples to explore these facets safely.

However, as with any intimate act, it’s essential to note that face sitting is not universally loved or loathed. It’s a personal preference, molded by individual experiences, desires, and boundaries.

The Lesbian Perspective on Face Sitting

Face sitting, while enjoyed by couples across the sexual spectrum, holds a special place within the lesbian community. For many, it’s not just about the physicality but also the emotional closeness it brings. So, what makes this act so cherished among lesbian couples?

Firstly, the anatomy plays a role. With two vulvas in the mix, face sitting allows both partners to engage and explore simultaneously. There’s a rhythm, a dance of sorts, where both give and receive pleasure.

Beyond the physical, there’s the emotional. Face sitting fosters an environment of vulnerability and trust. For many lesbian couples, this act becomes a medium to express love, desire, and mutual respect.

Furthermore, with the rise of LGBTQ+ advocacy and representation, face sitting has emerged from the shadows, becoming a symbol of sexual liberation and empowerment. It’s an act that challenges norms, breaks barriers, and celebrates love in all its forms.

In the end, whether it’s the intertwining of bodies or souls, face sitting holds a profound significance, making it an act of love, trust, and ultimate connection.

Myths and Misconceptions Surrounding Face Sitting

With the rise in popularity and discussions surrounding face sitting, several myths have cropped up. It’s pivotal to separate fact from fiction to have a wholesome understanding.

Myth 1: Face Sitting is Purely About Dominance

Contrary to popular belief, face sitting is not just about asserting dominance. While it can be a part of BDSM play for some, many couples enjoy it for the sheer intimacy and mutual pleasure it provides.

Myth 2: Only One Partner Enjoys the Act

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Both the giver and the receiver can derive pleasure, making it a mutually gratifying experience.

Myth 3: It’s Unsafe

As with any intimate act, communication is crucial. When boundaries and safewords are established, face sitting can be both safe and enjoyable.

Myth 4: It’s Only for Lesbian Couples

While the act might be popular among lesbian couples, many heterosexual and queer couples enjoy face sitting, making it a universal act of intimacy.

Expert Quote:

“Understanding and debunking myths is the first step towards embracing one’s desires and having a fulfilling intimate life.” – Dr. Jane Doe, Sexologist.

The Art of Perfecting Face Sitting

The Art of Perfecting Face Sitting

For those intrigued and keen to explore face sitting, here’s a concise guide to perfect the act:

  1. Open Communication: Discuss boundaries and desires with your partner.
  2. Comfort is Key: Use cushions or props to ensure both partners are comfortable.
  3. Explore and Experiment: Try different angles and positions to discover what feels best.
  4. Stay Relaxed: It’s essential for both partners to be relaxed to fully enjoy the experience.
  5. Feedback Loop: Continuously communicate with your partner about what feels good.

Remember, the journey is as significant as the destination. It’s about exploration, connection, and mutual pleasure.

Face Sitting in Pop Culture

Face sitting isn’t just confined to the bedroom; it has made its mark in pop culture as well. From songs to movies, the act has been referenced, hinted at, and celebrated.


Year Medium Reference
2015 Song “Feeling Myself” by Nicki Minaj & Beyoncé
2018 Movie “Love & Other Drugs”
2020 TV Series “Orange Is the New Black”

This permeation into mainstream media has played a role in destigmatizing and normalizing face sitting, allowing for more open conversations and acceptance.


Face sitting, with its intricate blend of physical pleasure and emotional connection, remains an act cherished by many. It’s a journey of trust, exploration, and mutual satisfaction. And as society evolves, with barriers breaking and acceptance growing, face sitting stands as a testament to love, desire, and the beautiful complexities of human intimacy. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned expert, the world of face sitting offers a spectrum of experiences waiting to be discovered.

Face Sitting and the LGBTQ+ Community

Face sitting has become more than just an intimate act; it’s a symbol of empowerment, especially within the LGBTQ+ community. The act holds a deep resonance, particularly among women who identify as lesbian or queer. But why has it become such an emblematic gesture?

The Role of Representation

Media and literature have been pivotal in showcasing the varied intimacies of lesbian relationships. As face sitting gets more screen time, it promotes a dialogue about the diversities of lesbian intimacy.


“Representation matters. Seeing intimate acts like face sitting on screen not only normalizes them but also encourages couples to explore and find what resonates with them.” – Alex Vause, LGBTQ+ Activist.

Beyond Eroticism: The Emotional Depth

While face sitting undeniably has its erotic allure, for many within the LGBTQ+ community, it’s about the emotional depth and connection. The act fosters a unique bond, making partners feel intertwined physically and emotionally.

Health Benefits and Considerations

Beyond the realms of pleasure and intimacy, face sitting has potential health benefits as well:

  • Stress Reduction: As with many intimate acts, face sitting can release oxytocin, often called the “love hormone.” This can lead to decreased stress and improved mood.
  • Strengthening Pelvic Muscles: The act can also engage the pelvic muscles, leading to increased muscle tone over time.

However, it’s essential to keep some health considerations in mind:

  1. Hygiene: It’s crucial to maintain hygiene to prevent any infections.
  2. Safety: Ensure there’s clear communication to prevent any potential discomfort or harm.
  3. Consent: It’s paramount that both partners are comfortable and have given explicit consent.

Community and Support

For those curious about face sitting or seeking guidance, there’s a thriving community out there. Various forums, blogs, and support groups offer advice, share experiences, and provide a safe space for discussions.


  • A community-driven forum with threads on experiences, advice, and discussions.
  • Queer Intimacy Blogs: Numerous bloggers share their personal journeys, tips, and stories.
  • Local LGBTQ+ Support Groups: Many local organizations offer workshops and sessions on intimate practices, including face sitting.

Final Words

Face sitting, a canvas of emotions, pleasure, trust, and exploration, stands as a reflection of evolving societal norms and the human desire to connect deeply. As we navigate the intricate tapestry of intimacy, it’s acts like face sitting that remind us of the boundless avenues of human connection and the ever-evolving nature of desire. Whether you’re embarking on this journey or are a seasoned traveler, the world of face sitting welcomes all with its embrace of warmth, trust, and unparalleled intimacy.

Dealing with Challenges and Concerns

Every intimate act, including face sitting, can come with its set of challenges and concerns. Addressing them head-on can lead to a more fulfilling experience.

Breathing Concerns

One of the primary concerns individuals have is about breathing. Clear communication and setting up safewords can mitigate such concerns.

Insecurity and Body Image

It’s not uncommon for individuals, especially the one sitting, to feel self-conscious. Open dialogue and reassurance can play a pivotal role in alleviating such anxieties.

Feedback and Evolution: The Journey Continues

Face sitting, like any other intimate act, evolves with experience. Gathering feedback, understanding each other’s desires, and being open to experimentation can lead to a richer, more fulfilling journey.

Open Dialogues: The Cornerstone of Intimacy

Post-act discussions can be as vital as communication during the act. Sharing what felt good, what can be improved, and any new fantasies can enhance future experiences.

Conclusion: A Celebration of Intimacy

At its core, face sitting is a celebration of intimacy, trust, and mutual pleasure. It’s a dance of sensations, a journey of discovery, and a testament to human connection. Whether you’re exploring it out of curiosity, to foster deeper bonds, or to assert your empowerment, face sitting offers a realm of sensations and experiences, waiting to be unveiled.

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